My e-Property Manager

Free Rent Ledger Template

by Gloria Frank on 04/09/2022

What is a Rent Ledger?

Managing finances, especially when it comes to rent payments, can be a daunting task. Whether you’re a landlord keeping track of multiple tenants or a tenant juggling various expenses, having a systematic approach is crucial for financial clarity and organization. This is where a rent ledger proves to be invaluable.

A rent ledger is essentially a document that tracks all rental transactions between a landlord and a tenant. It serves as a detailed record of rent payments, outstanding balances, and any additional charges or credits related to the rental property. Not only does it provide transparency and accountability, but it also helps both parties avoid misunderstandings and potential disputes.

Free Printable Rent Ledger Template (with and without sample data)

The rent ledger template below is pre-filled with sample data. You can use the Clear Sample Data button to wipe out the sample data and have it ready to print and use! You can use the Add Sample Data to add back the sample data for reference.

Sweet Valley Rentals LLC

1 Sweet Valley Dr
Barrington, FL 30145
(213) 412-1000







Green, George
320 E Main St.
Henry, FL 30145
Lease End Date: 2025-01-15
Security Deposit: $1,000


Tenant Name


Green, George

Mon Jun 03 2024






Pro-Rated Rent (Day 16 to 31)




Move In Fee




Security Deposit




Payment Received








Payment Received








Payment Received








Late Fee




Payment Received








Payment Received








Payment Received





Total Due $0

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Who uses a rent ledger?

Rent ledgers are used by both landlords and tenants. Landlords use them to keep track of rental income and monitor tenant payments, while tenants use them to ensure they have paid rent on time and to keep a record of their rental expenses.

How do I create a rent ledger?

You can create a rent ledger using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Start by setting up columns for tenant information, payment schedule, payment history, outstanding balances, and additional notes. You can use the provided template as a guide.

What information should be included in a rent ledger?

A rent ledger should include tenant information (name, contact details, lease term), payment schedule (due date, late fee, grace period), payment history (date, amount, method of payment), outstanding balances (total due, credits, charges), and any additional notes or comments.

How often should I update my rent ledger?

Rent ledgers should be updated regularly, ideally after each rent payment is made or received. This ensures that the ledger remains accurate and up-to-date, allowing both parties to monitor payment status and track any changes in balances.

Can I use a rent ledger for tax purposes?

Yes, a rent ledger can be used for tax purposes, particularly by landlords. It provides a detailed record of rental income and expenses, which can be useful for reporting rental income on tax returns and claiming deductions for expenses related to the rental property.

Is there a difference between a rent ledger and a rent receipt?

Yes, there is a difference. A rent ledger is a comprehensive document that tracks all financial transactions related to a rental property over time. On the other hand, a rent receipt is a simple acknowledgment that a rent payment has been made for a specific period. Rent receipts are often issued to tenants by landlords as proof of payment.

Instructions to fill the Rent Ledger Template


Tenant Information

Enter details such as the tenant’s name, contact information, and lease term.

Payment Schedule

List the due date for rent payments and any applicable late fees or grace periods.

Payment History

Record each rent payment, including the date, amount, method of payment, and any additional notes.

Outstanding Balances

Keep track of any outstanding balances, credits, or charges related to the rental property.

Additional Message

Use this to inform tenants of any update or instructions for payments

A convenient and free alternate to filling rent ledger manually!

Filling the rent ledger manually is a viable option but it takes your time away. Additionally, financial calculations are prone to human / calculator errors and the whole process can be burdensome if you have multiple tenants.

Happy Lady

A convenient alternate is to let a software system assist in generating and maintaining a rent ledger. In fact, the rent ledger shown above was generated by a software system (courtesy of My e-Property Manager).

You can get similar rent ledger for all your tenants by signing up for free at My e-Property Manager. Simply create the lease once and let the system generate automated rent ledger for your tenants. In addition to this you can keep track of rent, payment history & maintain rent ledgers for each tenant.

You can save yourself from the hassle of ever prorating rent! Simply post and immediately share proof of payment and any outstanding balance. You don't have to worry about calculating how much late fee is applied or whether the late fee is even needed! Just set up the rent, security deposit and late fee in the lease once and have real-time and printable invoices always follow them.

Registering is easy and all you need is an email address. You can learn more about what this site offers in the article “what is My e-Property Manager”.

If you want to make your life more convenient then you can even ask your tenant to register & have their invoices or rental receipts ready to be viewed anytime over their phone or computer. In addition, your tenants can submit maintenance requests online, view their leases, update their and their guest vehicles as a bonus!

You can also watch tutorial videos on how to create rental ledger & how to use tenant portal for more information.

Enjoy your free account & register today for free at My e-Property Manager

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